Mods Collection

This is a small collection of game mods, made by yours truly.

Witcher3: modUrsineCheatSwords Mod (2015)

A cheat mod for the Witcher3, introducing two “high damage” swords. Actually, I used it a lot (and others seem to do so, too). Available on Nexusmods here.

Witcher3: ChickenHelmet Mod (2015)

A silly test case for W3MH – available at Nexusmods. Even made it into the kotaku news (end of page) and a Gamestar video (at around 8:18).

Witcher3 Helper: W3MH (2015)

A tool to be used with the official Witcher 3 mod tools. It is a GUI wrapper for wcc_lite.exe, and helps selecting and importing/exporting files. Check it out here over at Nexusmods.

Skyrim Mod: mikoMightyStaff (2015)

This is a ‘Staff of Sparks’ type weapon, with custom mesh and textures and maxed out charges. Nothing fancy really – made it for my own use (first Skyrim mod). There is a new chest at the Whiterun marketplace (near the well), in which you can find the new item.

Check it out here at the Steam workshop.